Wednesday, February 27, 2013

SEO--Strike One!

Usually going to Barnes & Noble is a mind-stimulating treat. But when you have the words "Search Engine Optimization" buzzing like angry wasps in your head, you're driven . . . driven to pick up the first book available that has those mysterious words in the title.

Why? Why did I have to find out more about SEO? Why did blithely sit down in B&N to read a good bit of Jon Rognerud's text on the matter, only to get myself further confused about trying to have a business on the Net? Then I emailed Jon, he emailed me back, and I guess I'm stuck. In more ways that one, because in terms of marketing, both Cathy and I might as well be ambivalent troglodytes by choice and nature, backing away then toward "visibility" in much the same way a background actor avoids the limelight but teases herself with knowing a blurry image of her left knee might make into an episode of "Two Broke Girls."  Yes, I did background acting. For the last 6 years, as a matter of fact. Then it gets to the point where productions ask for "20-somethings, no larger than a size 6, who are hot, hot, HOT!" just a few times too many. It's humiliating to be humiliated by being a sensible, mature woman of an average size. Screw that!

So off I am on a new vocational course. Publishing ebooks! But.... You mean I can't just write something, put it up, sit back and collect money from pleased readers? Uh, no. And Jon Rognerud and others with expertise in this glowing world of online businesses will happily show you that. In multiple, mind-boggling ways.                           

We have to get a new book cover. A better website. A competent formatter. Many days surfing to find compatible sites for HeartFix and the other ebooks slowly gestating in my head and on my computer. What I really want to do is just write. That's all Cathy wants, too. Strike one.

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